Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering or harm to an animal: - this includes prolonged ‘de-matting’ which is painful and detrimental to the welfare of the dog.
Matted coats can cause a variety of skin and health problems:
• Matted fur does not allow the air to circulate to the skin - this can lead to bacterial and fungal infections and other conditions such as hot spots.
• Matted coats will not dry properly - this can also lead to skin infections.
• Fleas, ticks, and other parasites can be hiding in the coat - causing further skin problems.
• Matted fur also pulls and tugs on the skin - causing pain to your pet.
This is very different to removing small knots, tangles and isolated matted hair from the coat which can be achieved quickly without causing anxiety, stress or pain.
When we have assessed your dog’s coat we may determine that the only humane thing to do is clip the coat short and start afresh. We will not "de-mat" the coat as this would cause excessive pain, discomfort and suffering.
We are very careful and take every possible care but when removing tight matting the possibility of injury is there.
Effects following matt removal can include irritation, redness, burns, abrasions, nicks and self-inflicted irritations/abrasions from excessive rubbing, scratching or biting. The removal of matts may also uncover additional problems that were unseen beforehand.
If a dog has excessively matted ears, bleeding at the tips of the ear can occur when the matting is removed, this is because the delicate blood vessels have been restricted by the tight matted hair and releasing this pressure means blood rushes to the tips of the ears and can cause the ears to split at the tip or haematomas to occur. It is important to prevent head shaking at this point.
Clipping a matted coat can take longer and cause additional wear and tear on our equipment. We reserve the right to refuse heavily matted dogs and may suggest a trip to your vet.
Your dog may also behave differently after their groom too. They will suddenly have air to sections of skin that have not felt it in a while. This may feel strange to them. They may want to rub or scratch themselves. Please limit this where possible as they may harm their skin. Sun protection may also be needed but please ask your vet for advice before applying anything to the skin. Many dogs feel wonderful after their heavy coat has been removed but some may also act subdued for a few days. Your reaction will also have an effect on how your dog behaves after their "shave down".
By using us, you have given permission for your dog’s coat to be clipped short and accept that on this occasion, any personal preference for how your dog should be groomed will not be taken into consideration as we will only do what is best for you dog.
You release Dog's Tuxedo Groom and Spa from any responsibility of the above-mentioned process and all medical problems that may be uncovered and/or occur during the clipping process. Should your pet require veterinary care after or during the process, you agree to pay all vet fees for the above-mentioned pet’s care.